MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology - MSU-IIT Palakasan is made more challenging, engaging and exciting with the street dancing competition. Inspired to be this year’s Palakasan Grand Champion, 8 schools and colleges of the institute vie for the 1st Prize in this contest considering that it will be 10% of the total score. Street Dancing Competition was started last year where every group of contenders represented their chosen festival of the Philippines. The sense of excitement among the viewers was extraordinary that each school/college created a platoon of supporters-cheering loudly until the performances ended. The whole event truly wowed the judges and the audience. It created a buzz within and even beyond the campus that the MSU-IIT constituents and visitors await for its next showdown. Lo and behold, enthusiastic participants from various schools and colleges proudly represented a new set of Philippine Festivals –a competition set higher to a next level. This time, costumes ...