The "Mindanao Helps Manila" Campaign

Some key areas in Luzon are greatly affected with flood caused by continuous rain for a couple of days already. To date, over 200,000 families suffer from the calamity, most of whom need to evacuate due to high levels of flood. Weather updates from PAG-ASA show a continuous rainfall in some areas, heightening the level of fear among the constituents in Luzon.

It can be noted that few months ago, Iligan, Cagayan de Oro and neighboring municipalities went through a catastrophic flood brought by the typhoon Sendong. Thousands of lives were lost and countless homes were devastated, making everyone hopeless and helpless. But love across the globe flourished with our fellows willing to extend help to the Sendong victims. Among those who extended assistance in various ways come from Manila.

NOW, it’s Mindanao’s turn to empathize and extend support to the affected families in Luzon.

Here’s a list of how to be of help to the people in Luzon: (Courtesy of Miss Irene of

1. You can help spread useful information via social networking websites (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn etc). I collated some emergency numbers that folks in Manila can call. You might want to share thatblog entry.
You can help retweet useful information posted by credible sources on Twitter – @govph, @pcdspo, @dost_pagasa, @dohgovph and @NDRRMC_opcen.
You can also follow these hashtags: #rescuePH (for rescue requests/efforts), #reliefPH (for relief efforts/donations) and #floodsPH (for general flood news)
If you have your own donation drive or if you know of other Mindanaoans who have their own donation drives, please use the #MindanaoHelpsManila hashtag
This list of evacuation and relief operations centers from Malacanang Palace is also a great resource to check out and share.
During Typhoon Sendong, a Google Person Finder was also developed. You might want to check theGoogle Person Finder: 2012 Philippine Floods page
2. You can get in touch with non-government organizations, peoples organizations and civic groups in Mindanao that are collating donations to be sent to Manila. In Iligan City, for instance, I heard that JCI Iligan is gathering donations. You may also want to course your donations via malls. Abreeza Mall in Davao City can accept donations.
3. You can also get in touch with local blogger groups. Get in touch with the Bukidnon Bloggers and Social Media ClubCagayan de Oro BloggersCebu Bloggers SocietyIligan Bloggers SocietyDavao Bloggers etc. You can also tweet me, @mindanaoan.
If you’re in Cagayan de Oro City, you can drop off your donations at Happy Eggs Eatery. (Did you know that Happy Eggs was also where we accepted donations for Typhoon Sendong victims?)
* first batch of donations will be gathered until August 9, 2012. This batch will then be sent to Manila on Friday
If you’re in Malaybalay City, Bukidnon, you can drop off donations at Rey’s Grill, Tabios corner Don Carlos Streets
* first batch of donations will be gathered until August 9, 2012. This batch will then be sent to Manila on Friday
If you’re in Davao City, you may drop your donations at Mam Bebs Bakeshop, C.M. Recto Avenue near Ateneo de Davao University. Thank you Davao Bloggers for making this possible!
4. You can donate to Red Cross. Here’s the official Philippine Red Cross website. You can even donate via SMS: Just text RED<space>AMOUNT to 2899 (Globe) or 4143 (Smart)
You can donate the following denominations:
Globe: 5, 25, 100, 300, 500 or 1000
Smart: 10, 25, 50, 100, 300, 500 or 1000
5. You can send donations in kind via LBC Express. You can drop off your donations to the nearest LBC Express outlet in your area. They will send the donations to Manila for FREE. However, please note that they cannot send to specific groups/individuals. Instead, LBC Foundation will forward the donations to Red Cross. Check the LBC Express list of outlets HERE.
6. You can start your very own donation drive! Gather family, friends, colleagues, neighbors etc and start a donation drive. The most needed items right now: relief goods such as rice, canned goods, ready to eat meals, noodles, water. The flood victims will also need blankets, water purifying tables, clothes, diapers, boots (these will really come in handy), cleaning materials, flashlightsbatteries, pillows, cooking equipment, baby milk formula and medicine.
7. Keep our fellow countrymen in your prayers. Nothing beats the power of prayer!
I will try my best to keep this post up-to-date. Please feel free to share your suggestions and your own donation drives in the comments section below. I will then add them to the list.
Thank you and please feel free to share this post. Let’s do this, Mindanao! Our fellow countrymen need our help.
Daghang salamat!


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